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About Us

When a colleague was asked, “why do you do this work?" he told his story:

“Twenty years ago I worked in a large company. I decided to leave. My cynical and bemused boss wanted to understand why I would walk away from a comfortable, safe, well-paid job, with good prospects, to start a business as the world headed into recession. The dominant emotion that drove my motivation, and overcame my many anxieties, was frustration. Frustrated as I watched the enthusiasm of good people ebb, their energy wasted, money and time frittered away. My boss said, “it’s wonderful you still care, my son wants to be an engineer, for his sake I hope you make a difference”. And that’s it – life gives us the responsibility to make a difference, to make things better, in our own little corner – a challenge that I decided to take on?”

This is one story, but any of our colleagues from over the years would tell a similar story although another place, a different context, but we have consistently striven to make a difference, and our corner is engineering and the management of projects.
A viable business was created and it has evolved over the years, the current form emerged in 2003, designed to include investment in national infrastructure, with significant work on major rail projects.

Over the years we have been involved in projects with values of thousands, or millions, even billions. The reader might think the bigger the better. It is not about the size of the project, rather the benefit we can bring to our customer, and the cost to them of getting the project wrong versus the benefit of getting it right.